The Right Way To Buy Options - Long Vertical Spread

Most traders start out buying options because it’s the simplest option strategy to understand. If you think a stock will go up, you’d buy a call. If you think the stock will go down, you’d buy a put.

Well this is NOT a very good trading strategy because you’ll lose money every single day due to time decay. No smart investor is going to buy a depreciating asset and call it an investment.

Watch this video to learn a better way to buy options to make a directional bet on a stock but WITHOUT time decay hurting you. We’re going to show you how to trade the Long Vertical Spread to accomplish this.

Also, make sure to sign up for our FREE 3 Video Lesson Series at!

Adam Thomas

Sky View Trading

what are options

how to trade options

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option strategies

Vertical Spread Option Strategy

Vertical Spread

Iron Condor

Bull Call Spread

How To Trade a Vertical Spread

option trading basics

option time decay

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